Upcoming Updates
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Tamanyan Interactive
Elevate Client Experience with a Visual Journey
Upcoming Updates
1. Customizations
Customize the project to your branding
Full landing page for your project
Portfolio page for your organization
2. Mapping & Search
All Pulibc Projects will be automatically added to the map
Sophisticated Search within whole ecosystem - using AI
Automatizations and tools for working with leads
3. AI Renders
Brainstorm with AI on Design Concepts
Estimate the renovation costs
Find the suppliers
1. Visualize and Sell
Drawing tool allowing to visualize the whole project
Collect leads and track the progress in your Admin panel
Easier to commincate with clients on specific properties
2. Highly Flexible
We automatically provide share links of your projects (serves as landing page)
You can embed our widget to you website
Clients have flexibility to check out other properties and get back to sales team with exact option
3. Quick to Deploy
You can be up and running in 3 days with your full setup
Our suppor team can help you to set up both the project and on your website